Scheduling general overview

What is Scheduling?

Scheduling enables you to maintain an accurate and up-to-date schedule for all your training needs. These may include the following features of the Scheduling module.

Group and private classes

Schedule classes for a group of people (setting minimum and maximum attendance values, if desired) or for an individual. You can do this by creating a class schedule and adding the class members using the Maintenance functions, or you can do so directly from the Scheduling window using one of the existing appointment types.

Note: Creating a new class directly from the Scheduling window creates a new class on the Maintain Class window.

Flexible billing and payments

Bill students in a way that works best for your business and for the student. Each student in a class may require different billing; one might be billed monthly whereas another is billed weekly.

Enter student payments and pay instructors based on the fee codes set up for appointment types and instructors.

Absences, make-up classes, and attendance

Establish multiple excused and unexcused absences. When a student misses a class you can apply the appropriate absence code. If it's an excused absence (Excused is selected on the Add/Change Absence Reasons window), the student will be eligible for account credits for the missed class. Unexcused absences are not eligible for credits. View student absences for a specific date range on the List Student Absence report.

When a student has been marked absent, schedule a make-up class right from the Scheduling window. View make-up classes for an instructor and date range on the Makeup Lessons report.

You can also mark students in attendance from the Scheduling window. You can view student attendance (in attendance, not in attendance, or both) for a date range, instructor, and/or student account on the List Students Attendance report.

Customizable schedule view

The Scheduling window is highly customizable; using system variables, you can determine the first and last bookable time slots on the schedule as well as length of each displayed time slot (as short as 5 minute increments or as long as 60 minute increments). You can also use the system variables to color-code booked slots by instructor or appointment type. There are also multiple options for customizing your view of the schedule directly on the Scheduling window, including the number of days that are displayed at one time.

System variables for scheduling

AIMsi uses system variables to determine how information is used and displayed. The Scheduling features have their own set of variables that control everything from appointment type or instructor color-coding on the Scheduling window to your customized "Instructor" labels. AIMsi is installed with defaults for all system variables, but it is recommended that you review your Scheduling variables to be sure they are set up in a way that works best for your store.