Work Station window - POS tab - Devices subtab data fields

Work Stations window - POS tab, Devices subtab

Pole Display Line 1/Line 2

If you are using a pole display at this workstation, you have the ability to set up 1 or 2 lines of text to appear on the pole display when not in use.  For example, you might say "Welcome to My Store" in Line 1 and "Check out Daily Deals at". 

Pole Display Comm Port

If you are using a pole display at this workstation select the serial port the pole display was installed on.

Hold Port Open

Selecting this option will hold the pole display port open while AIMsi is running.  This would typically be checked for workstations running AIMsi inside a terminal services session.

Scale Port

If you are using a scale at this workstation, select the serial port the scale was installed on.

Scale Control Code

The control code the scale requires to send a reading, found in the scale's documentation.  

Code Format

The control format the scale requires to send a reading (either Binary or ASCII), found in the scale's documentation.

Default Touchscreen Printer

If this workstation will be using the Touchscreen POS program, click in the box and select the default receipt printer to automatically print receipts to.

Additional Printer A/Printer B

When setting up non-inventory sub categories (if applicable to you), you might have selected to print sales of certain sub categories to Printer A or Printer B.  This is where you assign what those printers are.  Click in the Additional Printer A field and select the receipt printer you want assigned as Printer A.  Click in the Additional Printer B field and select the receipt printer you want assigned as Printer B.

Cash Drawer Information

If the workstation being established is a POS terminal that has a cash drawer, select one of the following options:


The path to the drawer or printer the drawer is attached to.

Printer Check

When selected, a check will be performed when AIMsi is opened on this workstation to see if any printers are available.  If no printers are available, a warning will appear.  This can be helpful for Citrix or Terminal Services environments.