Print hang tags

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to print hang tags for your inventory. Hang tags are larger than a standard label and typically include more detailed information about the item, perhaps even a picture of the item. You can print hang tags for individual SKU or serial numbers or for all inventory received on a purchase order or for a received date range.

Before you begin

Before you can print hang tags, you must complete the following steps.

  1. If you will print barcodes, download the b file from the Member Portal Other Files Download page. This is a font file that is required for printing barcodes on your hang tags.
  2. Create the hang tag templates in Microsoft Word.

You may create as many (or as few) templates with different layouts for each category and subcategory as you need. Refer to Tag Index for more information about the field tags available to use for hang tags. You can also find the same information in the folder where AIMsi is installed on your computer: \AIMsi\Templates\Tag Index.doc.

Note: Templates must be saved as a Word Template (*.dotx) or a Word 97-2003 Template (*.dot) and must be saved in the templates folder where AIMsi is installed on your computer (for example, C:\AIMsi\Templates).

  1. Add your hang tag templates to AIMsi on the Add/Change Word Template Locations window.
    1. Give each template a unique and identifiable name in the Template Description box, such as Guitar Hang Tag or TaylorMade Ladies Hang Tag. This name will be used to select that hang tag for the subcategory and for printing hang tags.
    2. Leave the Email Subject box blank.
    3. Enter the file name of the .dot or .dotx file you created in step 1 in the Template File Name box. You can optionally click Find to navigate to that file on your computer.
    4. Select Inventory Hang Tag in the Auto Generated Code box.
    5. Indicate how many tags should print per page in the Tags Per Page box.

  1. Assign a hang tag to your subcategories on the Edit Sub Categories window. Right-click in the Hang Tag box to assign the hang tag to all subcategories or all subcategories with the same category.

Steps to complete - overview steps

Prerequisites: You must complete the steps in Before you begin before you can print hang tags.

  1. On the Print Inventory Hang Tags window, determine if you want to print hang tags for a specific SKU or serial number, for items received during a specific date range or PO, or for a sale.
  2. Complete the boxes as desired. For detailed steps to print a label or labels for:
  1. Click the Tag List tab. Change the # Tags and Hang Tag columns as necessary.
  2. Click Print. The Printer Selection window displays.
  3. Select a printer, enter the number of copies you want, and click Ok.