You are here: AutoPrice

Valid values:

1 - calculate price based on margin percentage of desired cost

2 - calculate price based on percentage of Retail value

3 - calculate price based on margin percentage of desired weighted cost

4 - calculate price based on percentage of Our Price value


This six-position variable determines how you want AIMsi to automatically calculate prices as you receive or enter inventory. Each position is separated by the pipe (|) character.

For example, if this variable is set to 1|.30|.30|.35|.40|.45, AIMsi would calculate Min Price at 30% of the desired cost, Price A at 30% of the desired cost, Price B at 35% of the desired cost, Price C at 40% of the desired cost, and Our Price at 45% of the desired cost. If the desired cost is $20.00, the calculated prices would be: $28.57, $28.57, $30.77, $33.33, and $36.36.

If you do not wish to automatically calculate pricing levels as you receive or enter inventory, leave this variable blank.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Ourprice, Min Price, Price A, Price B, Price C boxes on the Enter Consignment window.