You are here: ConsignmentDefaultPayment

Valid values:

CHK - print checks

CRD - credit invoice


Determines if the default selection for settlement on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window is a Check Category or a Credit Category for any consignor who doesn't have a category selected in the Consign Payment box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. Enter CHK to make printed checks the default selection or enter CRD to make credit invoices the default selection.

Return categories are set up on the Return Payment Categories window. If more than one of a type is set up, AIMsi automatically selects the first category found matching the type indicated here (for customers without an overriding return payment type). You can select a different type from the drop down Check Category or Credit Category box during settlement if necessary.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Check Category and Credit Category boxes on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.