You are here: ConsignmentDefaultProcessFee

Valid values

Any positive value dollar amount in the format 0.00.


Determines the default amount to charge for check processing when settling with consignors in batch mode. This value is deducted from the amount paid to the consignor. For example, if this variable is set to 1.00 and the consignor sold $100.00 of inventory, the consignor will receive a check for $99 ($100.00 less the default processing fee of $1.00) when you batch settle. 0.00 (no fee) is the default processing fee.

This value may be overridden by entering a different value in the Processing Fee column on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window when you settle consignments in batch.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Processing Fee column on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.