V7 Build 337 ( – January 27, 2014 - Full Release Version
General Changes:
- Calendar -> added a preference to display scripts on the Schedule tab by Machine ID or by MFG/Rom Version.
- MassUpdate->this now allows rounding to the nearest 0.99 cents.
- All -> Sending Email via Yahoo should now work again.
- XLS Wizard -> added a taxable option to the PLU WeeklyProfit report
- Polling/AIMsi Interface->Fixed a problem sending tax exempt SKUs to V7 Polling
- AIMsi Sales Export->Modified to handle returns with a zero quantity. Changes were also made to the AutoExport program.
- PriceChecker->now allows option to auto-connect to the server.
CASIO Changes:
- All Casio Registers -> PLU Files no longer allow the user to enter Plu Code #0, or a blank PLU code.
- All Casio Registers -> Multi-select delete now works on Scan files.
SAM4s Changes:
- Sam4s 2000 -> Added new ROM (L 07/16/2013)
- Sam4s 28x -> Added new ROM (5.014)
- Sam4s 320 -> The PLU stock is now sent to the register correctly.
- Sam4s 320 -> Added to the AIMsi/V7 Polling sales export interface.
- Sam4s 3xx -> Added new ROM (1.055, 1.056 & 1.064)
- Sam4s 52xx -> Added new ROM (9.4)
- Sam4s 5x0 -> "value of tender" for Autocash functions is now being sent to the register.
- Sam4s 5x0 -> Added new Rom (S 11/08/2013)
- Sam4s 5x0 -> Added new ROM. (S 07/16/2013 and 10/25/2013)
- Sam4s 5x0 -> The consolidate financial report now calculates the average sales correctly.
- Sam4s 5x0 -> The DETL feed key can now be modified if the Detail printer isn't setup.
- Sam4s 5x0 and 2000 -> Added missing report option 'all registers numbers selected in default".
Sharp Changes:
- Sharp 8xx -> The key capture report is now supported over TCP/IP.
- Sharp 8xx -> The transaction report can now be exported to PDF, Text File, and Transfer file.
- Sharp800 Transaction Report -> A new option is available to not display GTs on reports. This option is in Preferences | Report Options.
- Sharp8xx->the intermittent problem of sending PLU w/modified mix & match table has been fixed.
TEC Changes:
- There were no new changes made to the 1596 or 1650 registers in this build.
More V7 Polling Software Advancements