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Polling Software Advancements and Corrections by Build Number

V7 Build 407 ( – July 14, 2017 - Full Release Version


General Changes:

  • Release code screen -> the user interface was modified to enhance the ease of use of the store code button for Win10 users
  • Preferences -> the Test Email feature now inserts text into the body of the test email
  • General -> when the calendar is running auto poll events, it closes any open forms before polling the register

CASIO Changes:

  • Casio3000/4500 ScanPLU -> A tool menu option was added for reindexing the Scan PLU recnumber field: Scanning PLU File Tools | Reindex Rec Number
  • Casio3000/4500 Scan PLU -> corrected an issue where not all records were being verified
  • Casio3000/4500 Scan PLU -> modified the verify routine to set the type field to 14 when the scan code = 0

SAM4s Changes:

  • Sam650 -> added ROM version 11.2 datatran
  • Barcode Software -> Two new tools options were added to the SAM4s 530/520 PLU screen PLU Tools | Print New Stock Barcode Labels and PLU Tools | Print Recently Modified Barcode Labels.  Users will need Barcode.exe build, which is included in the 407 install, to enable these features.  Print New Stock Barcode Labels works in tandem with the PLU Stock Modifier field to populate the Barcode program’s Count field with the number of items added.  The Print Recently Modified Barcode Labels lets user select a modified date to use to filter the item list.  Items are reset after PLU Stock and PLU sends respectively      
  • SAM4s 530/520 PLU -> A new feature was added to the software that resizes the SAM4s 530/520 PLU screen for use on tablets.  This is a beta release of this new feature, with the tablet users can add new items, update existing items and update stock values while out on the store floor.  Learn More
  • SAMDroid -> Preliminary work has begun on adding this terminal to the software.  Stop by booth #206 at RetailNOW to learn more 

Sharp Changes:

  • There were no new changes made to the Sharp registers in this build.

TEC Changes:

  • There were no new changes made to the 1596 or 1650 registers in this build.

More V7 Polling Software Advancements

V7 # - April 6, 2017 

V7 # - November 9, 2016 

V7 # - June 20, 2016 

V7 # - December 9, 2015 

V7 # - July 22, 2015 

V7 # - January 9, 2015 

V7 # - January 27, 2014