V7 Build 494 ( – March 5, 2021 - Full Release Version
General Changes:
- Advanced Consolidation->Corrected an issue where the Sam4POS Financial consolidation was not showing the list of areas.
- Calendar->Changed the date/time picker so show future years.
- Communications->Corrected an issue where doing a Send All would display a msg twice about which Sam4POS files could be sent to the register.
- Preferences->Removed the option for select Sam4POS date/time format as the V7 software now saves the Options program.
- Reports | Advanced Consolidate->Some Sam4POS reports were only showing 'All' in area and type selections. This has been corrected.
- Reports Advanced Consolidate->Corrected an issue consolidating Sam2000 reports with Sam4POS Reports.
- Reports->The Export text file was missing .trs and .xls file types. This has been corrected.
- Retry Poll->Corrected an issue where re-polling Sam4POS reports would fail.
- Retry Poll->Corrected an issue where Sam4POS reports would display the wrong area.
- Scripts->Editing a report script and changing the x/z value would not update the script list until exiting and returning to scripts. This has been corrected.
- Validate Tables->Validating support files now removes debug data files as part of a clean-up routine.
CASIO Changes:
- There were no new changes made to the CASIO registers in this build.
SAM4s Changes:
- Sam4POS->Add renumbering to the employee program.
- Sam4POS->Fixed a few general crosslink errors between the Sam4POS and 5x0.
- Sam4POS->New install after a save all there was a pop-up error opening Financial Report Message. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS->On the Sam5x0 the Preset and Allow Price Override fields were combined into the Price Option field on the Sam4POS. This has been corrected for crosslinked data.
- Sam4POS->Optimize the opening of the Sam4POS PLU Status Group program area.
- Sam4POS->Removed image path entry areas from the maintenance areas
- Sam4POS->The PLU stock import is not working correctly. The first record imports correctly, but after that the stock grid is not updated. Also, adding stock directly via the PLU grid does not update the stock grid correctly. These errors have been corrected.
- Sam4POS->The Sam4POS PLU Stock Report Machine ID overwrites the date when the Machine ID is too long. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS->The Sam4POS PLU Verify should check for duplicate PLU codes after the verify runs. Currently, it is checking for duplicate descriptors. This has been changed.
- Sam4POS->When utilizing Crosslinks between the Sam4POS and Sam4s SPS-5x0, the Stock Link was not crosslinking properly and changes from either side are not seen on the other machine.
- Sam4POS Advanced Consolidation->Consolidating the financial (EOD) report would include financial report by employee (EOD). This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Command Line EOD reports->Corrected an issue where the emailing the reports failed.
- Sam4POS Communications->Corrected an issue where a popup showing allowable send programs was displaying more than once.
- Sam4POS Communications->Receipt msg was being sent to the terminal in append mode. Changed this to overwrite mode.
- Sam4POS Communications->Running a schedule as list with multiple reports would cause the report options screen to popup. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS EJ report->Increased the time out interval to a minimum of 60 seconds.
- Sam4POS Employee->Added an option to renumber the ID field.
- Sam4POS Employee->Changed the Linked Drawer to display the default selections that the register uses.
- Sam4POS Enhanced PLU Stockkeeping->Stock quantities were rounding to whole numbers. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS EOD report->Corrected an issue where the program could obtain the wrong date/time format.
- Sam4POS EOD reports->Corrected an issue where the group, PLU, and time period EOD reports had odd data when there was no data.
- Sam4POS Error Message->Corrected an issue where the edit description was not being updated in polling when saved from the register
- Sam4POS Group Report->Corrected and issue where records with a descriptor longer than 20 characters would not add into the total.
- Sam4POS Group report->Printing a group report that has two pages but no line data on the second page would lose the totals. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Group->Added option to fill blanks with register defaults.
- Sam4POS Group->The Number the CL Number field now allows selecting between sequential numbering and using the group _ID field.
- Sam4POS KP Group->Added the import/export option.
- Sam4POS Machine->Corrected an issue where the Sam4POS password was being lost when editing the machine program.
- Sam4POS MLU Chain->Added an option to export/import the MLU Chain Items table.
- Sam4POS MLU Chain->Corrected an issue where doing an import/export would cause an access violation.
- Sam4POS MLU Chain->Importing from a text file with ID fields would add a new record if it did not find the ID. This has been changed to use the ID from the import file.
- Sam4POS Options|General|Destination->Corrected an issue where not all the options were being displayed on the Default Destination drop down list.
- Sam4POS Options|General|Multiplication->Limiting Quantity for Multiplication Sale was not displaying a decimal point.
- Sam4POS Options|General->Default Destination was not being displayed correctly. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Options|Print Options|ETC->Print Home Currency Symbol on Label was not displaying on the form.
- Sam4POS Options|PrintOptions|Receipt and Journal->Added field Print Subtotal When Subtotal Key Is Pressed.
- Sam4POS Options|Reports|End of Day->Opening Time was not displaying the ':'.
- Sam4POS Options|System|ETC->Corrected an issue where the Change Capitalization was not being displayed on the form.
- Sam4POS Options|System|General->Added the option 'Show License Icon.
- Sam4POS Options|System|General->Corrected an issue where the Pin Pad Reset Timeout was not being displayed on the form.
- Sam4POS Options|System|Total/Change Popup->Added the color fields to the Options program.
- Sam4POS Options->Added all items under System Option | Reg Title UI Control to the Options program.
- Sam4POS Options->Added fields for Reg Title UI Control.
- Sam4POS Options->Added General Options, Print Options, Report Options, and System Options maintenance and save.
- Sam4POS Options->Corrected a misspelled word on the Print tab.
- Sam4POS Options->Corrected issues sending Emp Login One Terminal, Allow Sale for Zero or less Stock and FTP IP to the register.
- Sam4POS PLU->Corrected an issue where crosslinks was not updating the Allow Price Change in the Sam4s520 and the Sam4s2000
- Sam4POS PLU->Added checks to Verify to verify that the groups and PLU status group have valid values.
- Sam4POS PLU report->Corrected an issue where PLU descriptions containing a comma would cause data loss.
- Sam4POS PLU Status Group->Added option to fill blanks with register defaults.
- Sam4POS PLU Status Group->Added the Mass Update option.
- Sam4POS PLU Status Group->Optimized opening the maintenance form for large PLU files.
- Sam4POS PLU Status Group->The Number the CL Number field now allows selecting between sequential numbering and using the status group _ID field.
- Sam4POS Plu Stock->Added code to allow a quantity of up to 999,999.999.
- Sam4POS PLU Stock->Corrected an issue where the program would try to import negative stock from a text file.
- Sam4POS PLU Template->Optimized opening the maintenance form for large PLU files.
- Sam4POS PLU->Adding a record after doing a mass create would cause an _ID field cannot be modified error. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS PLU->Corrected an issue in importing a 5x0 text file where the index field was not being found.
- Sam4POS PLU->Corrected an issue in importing a text file with enhanced stockkeeping would cause the price levels to not be updated.
- Sam4POS Plu->Crosslinks was not updating the stock link field in the Sam520 and Sam2000. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS PLU->Importing stock would give an error if the current item did not have an existing stock record and there were records in the stock table.
- Sam4POS PLU->Modified the crosslinks to allow linking the Price Option field to the correct fields in the Sam4s 5x0 and the Sam4s 2000 Plus.
- Sam4POS Recipe Ingredient->Corrected an issue where doing an import/export would cause an access violation.
- Sam4POS Recipe Ingredient->Importing from a text file containing an _ID would cause an error if the _ID record didn't exist. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Recipe Ingredients->Added an option to view deleted records.
- Sam4POS Recipe->Corrected an issue when Recipe Ingredient has a deleted record.
- Sam4POS Renumber _ID field->Changed the user prompt/message.
- Sam4POS Report Scripts->The customer email did not work. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS reports->Corrected an issue with the PLU and PLU (EOD) reports were displaying 0 for total amount.
- Sam4POS Reports->Corrected an issue where running an EOD report then running the reports on an EOD report would cause the report title to contain '(EOD)'.
- Sam4POS reports->Corrected an issue where the script EOD reports that were being exported as a transfer file would popup a dialog to get the file name.
- Sam4POS reports->Corrected an issue where the script EOD reports were not named correctly when selecting to do a date/time stamp.
- Sam4POS reports->Corrected an issue where the script EOD reports would say failed when the reports were created.
- Sam4POS Reports->Modified report date fields to handle different Windows short format.
- Sam4POS Script EOD Reports->Added the option to select which EOD reports to email.
- Sam4POS Script Report Options->Added a popup msg for financial, group, Plu, and time periods reports when the date range is greater than 1 for selection an area.
- Sam4POS Scripts->A user message about consolidated data was added to the script selection screen for Financial, PLU, Group and Time Period reports - when date ranges larger than 1 day are selected.
- Sam4POS Scripts->Added time period options for last week, last month, last quarter, and last year.
- Sam4POS Scripts->On the EOD setup screen, some of the date selection buttons were chopped off. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Scripts->When multiple scripts with different custom email addresses are in a schedule only one custom email address received the emails. This has been corrected.
- Sam4POS Stock Report->Corrected an issue where a description contained a comma would cause the report to fail.
- Sam4POS Tax Group->Added an option to renumber the _ID field.
- Sam4POS Time Period report->Corrected an issue where only 1 entry was showing a ratio of 1% instead of 100%.
- Sam4POS->Added a save/load option for creating a new Sam4POS data set from and existing data set.
- Sam4POS->Added option to save the Tender program from the register.
- Sam4POS->Added security to the Save/Load program.
- Sam4POS->Added the ability to send the Options program to the register.
- Sam4POS->Corrected an issue sending files to the register when the Windows short date format was set to yyyy-mm-dd.
- Sam4POS->Corrected an issue where importing from a text file into any non-PLU tables would cause an access violation if _ID's were being imported and an _ID did not exist or was deleted.
- Sam4POS->Removed Image Path from each form that has the field.
- Sam4POS->Removed Image Path from the Import/Export field selection.
- Sam4POS->The passwords for Sam4POS are now stored with encryption.
- Sam4POSMessages->The grid now defaults to showing the edit description column.
- Sam4s 300->Added ROM version 1.124ST.
- Sam4s 300->Added ROM version 1.155.
- Sam4s900->Added ROM version 1.085ST.
- Sam4s900->Added ROM version 1.121.
Sharp Changes:
- There were no new changes made to the SHARP registers in this build.
TEC Changes:
- There were no new changes made to the 1596 or 1650 registers in this build.
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